Sunday, August 17, 2008

It is gonna be a brother!

Wow - it is already time for another blog entry. Time is flying and Mommy is getting bigger and bigger with my growing brother. 7 months already! I can tell a big storm is coming my way but so far i am pretty into it.

I have been learning to swim. Mom is going to try and get a better photo. She said it is amazing to see my big smile underwater as I swim towards her underwater. I still have to master the coming up for air part but all in good time.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

On the way

Big news around here. My days walking the path alone as an only child are numbered. Finding out she had baby in her tummy was just as much a surprise for my Mom as it was for me - I think it is GREAT! I will tell you that pregnant Mommy is way more fun than regular Mommy. I have never seen her stop so fast for Fairfax Scoop and so often! Sometimes after dinner I look at my own tummy and think there is a baby in there too.

Okay, we are off for some steak tacos with lots of sour cream... see what I mean! :)

Thursday, January 03, 2008


Happy Birthday to me - I am three!


My first trip to Maui! Boogie boards, sand hills, sea turtles, geckos, wild horses and so much more. The whole crew was there (Mom, Dad, Jordan, Jessie, Pappa & Mimi). We spent the first half of the trip with our friend Karen in Hana where I met Outlaw, Jimmie-Jack and Billy Crystal (horses). My days were filled with hot tubbing, banana picking, sand digging, fresh fish eating and lots and lots of pineapple. Then while the men (and Jessie) back-packed into a volcano in the freezing rain at 8,000 feet (CRAZY) Mimi and Mommy and I headed to Napili to celebrate my birthday.

Mommy wants to note here that she does NOT recommend anybody else attempt the drive to Hana with a 3 year old. She also notes that in general getting into a vehicle with a 3 year old while on vacation is not recommended. I don't know what her problem is!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

I'm back!!!

I know, I know it has been a really long time since I checked in with my blog fans. It seems that I am just too busy having actual conversations these days to remember to write.

So let me fill you in on what is going on.

Lately I have been big into playing tent (ALL THE TIME). Playing tent involves taking every cushion, pillow, stuffed aninmal and blanket in the house into the living room to use in the construction process.

I like to cook and eat (what is new!?) and when we go to reaturants I like to know who the "cooker" is so I can remember their name for next time. At home I like to play chef and waiter, making my own basil, brocolli, oilve, cheese playdough pizza. the toppings may very but the crust is usually playdough.

I love to sing, real and made-up songs.

I love to play soccer and jump belly first into the pool.

Oh - and the big news which happened a few months ago is that I am potty-trained. I just woke up one day and told mommy that I did not want to wear diapers anymore and that was it. Wahooo!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Missing Daddy

Today is Day 9 of Daddy's big trip to Honduras. Mom has kept me distracted with all kinds of fun things most of the time but I remind her.. " I miss Daddy, wanna see Daddy, I am sad". She just keeps telling me how happy I will be when he gets home and about the turtle he is bringing me. Every night Mom tells me Dad's special story about the magic motorcycle. Each time she asks me where I want to go and every night I say "To Honduwas". As my buddy Mhari would say... 2 more sleeps and Daddy will be home (uh, counting naps that would be 3 sleeps but that makes it seem WAY too long).

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Talking Points

Out of nowhere I suddenly went from communicating in caveman-ese to full sentences. I have even started referring to myself as "I" instead of "Daniel". Some of the all-time favorite phrases have been.... "It is dark and night-night time. The moon took away the sun", "There is smoke in the kitchen at Mimi's house ", "Maddy, please don't bark", "I am working and I need a piece of wood", "Where is the tape measure? I need it"

Some of mom's less favorite phrases..."I need a new one, this is an old one!" (referring to my sippy cup) or when mom says there are no more blueberries and I say " let's check" and head to the fridge to look. She also does not like when I say NO NO NO NO NO or when I say "Daniel is in a bad mood" because that means I am acting like a 2 year old. One day when I was flailing on the ground hollering about something that was horribly unfair mom just looked at me and said... "You are such a creative boy.. do you have to be so cliche? There must be a more unique way to act your age."


There are a lot of very artistic ladies on my block. I am a pretty lucky dude!

Stuff to Do

One of my favorite things about our new house are all the tools and half-finished projects lying around. But the best news is that I got to take the first bath!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My New Room!

So it has been a few months since you have heard from me. Things have been a bit nuts around here. We have a "new house". Well, that is what I call it but actually it is an old house and after we bought it Dad started ripping down all sorts of walls which drove mom crazy. 2 months later mom is just happy as ever looking at our pretty new walls and sparkling wood floor and she doesn't even mind that we are moving in next week and still have no toilets, no heat or hot water!

If you want to see what we have been up to you can check out: